
If you think your baby isn’t paying attention to what you do and how you act, think again! It’s no secret that babies are perceptive to the world around them. They are constantly soaking up sensory information and forming cognitive links and connections. They are...

When someone says post-partum depression, your mind immediately shifts to Mom, right? Well let’s not forget about Dad! Both men and women have biological responses to pregnancy and childbirth. Although post-partum depression occurs twice as often in women as in men, the hormonal and neural...

Staying plugged in to social media outlets has become a norm in today’s society. There’s no doubt that social media has its perks but it undoubtedly also has its pitfalls. Keeping up to date with news, friends and trends helps us to feel connected in...

One of the biggest struggles of pregnancy is undoubtedly trying to sleep comfortably, especially later in pregnancy. It’s no secret pregnancy wears you out and all you’re craving (besides that chocolate cake) is to sleep soundly. Having a growing baby puts a strain on your...